Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Physics Begins

Before I decided to take physics this year, I was very apprehensive as it is often presented as a daunting course. Now that we are starting off, I am actually pretty excited about the material. This year in physics I'd like to learn more about sports and the science behind them; I play soccer and I know physics is definitely involved. I also expect to learn about the relationship between certain forces acting in nature- momentum, velocity, acceleration- as well as different scientists who have developed theories throughout history.

Physics is an important course of study as it is a large part of our daily lives. Everything we do is possible due to certain laws of physics which I am certain to learn about in this class. Knowledge of physics gives us a deeper understanding of how other things work as well. For example, if I were to go skydiving, I would understand what is happening and why more so than I would without a basic knowledge of physics. Physics also ties into other topics of study, as it helps develop logical thinking skills.

A few questions I have about physics are:

  1. How do we know certain theories are true?
  2. Do the physics we are studying now apply to other places in the universe? Are the laws the same on Earth as on Mars?
  3. What is the difference between acceleration and velocity?
I have a goal to get an A in physics this year. I also wish to have high effort, which is a personal goal I hold myself to in all of my classes. I think that if I work hard and put in measurable effort, there is no reason I should not receive the results I am striving for. I am aiming to actually understand the material as well. After biology, I could list off information and explain different processes to people as I observed them because I really understood what was going on. Chemistry was not the same story but I am hoping I will be able to grasp physics as well as I did biology.

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